Source code for sklift.metrics.metrics

import warnings
import numpy as np
from sklearn.utils.extmath import stable_cumsum
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_consistent_length
from sklearn.metrics import auc

[docs]def uplift_curve(y_true, uplift, treatment): """Compute Uplift curve This is a general function, given points on a curve. For computing the area under the Uplift Curve, see :func:`uplift_auc_score`. Args: y_true (1d array-like): Correct (true) target values. uplift (1d array-like): Predicted uplift, as returned by a model. treatment (1d array-like): Treatment labels. Returns: array (shape = [>2]), array (shape = [>2]): Points on a curve. See also: :func:`uplift_auc_score`: Compute the area under the Uplift curve. :func:`plot_uplift_qini_curves`: Plot Uplift and Qini curves. """ # TODO: check the treatment is binary y_true, uplift, treatment = np.array(y_true), np.array(uplift), np.array(treatment) desc_score_indices = np.argsort(uplift, kind="mergesort")[::-1] y_true, uplift, treatment = y_true[desc_score_indices], uplift[desc_score_indices], treatment[desc_score_indices] y_true_ctrl, y_true_trmnt = y_true.copy(), y_true.copy() y_true_ctrl[treatment == 1] = 0 y_true_trmnt[treatment == 0] = 0 distinct_value_indices = np.where(np.diff(uplift))[0] threshold_indices = np.r_[distinct_value_indices, uplift.size - 1] num_trmnt = stable_cumsum(treatment)[threshold_indices] y_trmnt = stable_cumsum(y_true_trmnt)[threshold_indices] num_all = threshold_indices + 1 num_ctrl = num_all - num_trmnt y_ctrl = stable_cumsum(y_true_ctrl)[threshold_indices] curve_values = (np.divide(y_trmnt, num_trmnt, out=np.zeros_like(y_trmnt), where=num_trmnt != 0) - np.divide(y_ctrl, num_ctrl, out=np.zeros_like(y_ctrl), where=num_ctrl != 0)) * num_all if num_all.size == 0 or curve_values[0] != 0 or num_all[0] != 0: # Add an extra threshold position if necessary # to make sure that the curve starts at (0, 0) num_all = np.r_[0, num_all] curve_values = np.r_[0, curve_values] return num_all, curve_values
[docs]def qini_curve(y_true, uplift, treatment): """Compute Qini curve. This is a general function, given points on a curve. For computing the area under the Qini Curve, see :func:`qini_auc_score`. Args: y_true (1d array-like): Correct (true) target values. uplift (1d array-like): Predicted uplift, as returned by a model. treatment (1d array-like): Treatment labels. Returns: array (shape = [>2]), array (shape = [>2]): Points on a curve. See also: :func:`qini_auc_score`: Compute the area under the Qini curve. :func:`plot_uplift_qini_curves`: Plot Uplift and Qini curves. """ # TODO: check the treatment is binary y_true, uplift, treatment = np.array(y_true), np.array(uplift), np.array(treatment) desc_score_indices = np.argsort(uplift, kind="mergesort")[::-1] y_true = y_true[desc_score_indices] treatment = treatment[desc_score_indices] uplift = uplift[desc_score_indices] y_true_ctrl, y_true_trmnt = y_true.copy(), y_true.copy() y_true_ctrl[treatment == 1] = 0 y_true_trmnt[treatment == 0] = 0 distinct_value_indices = np.where(np.diff(uplift))[0] threshold_indices = np.r_[distinct_value_indices, uplift.size - 1] num_trmnt = stable_cumsum(treatment)[threshold_indices] y_trmnt = stable_cumsum(y_true_trmnt)[threshold_indices] num_all = threshold_indices + 1 num_ctrl = num_all - num_trmnt y_ctrl = stable_cumsum(y_true_ctrl)[threshold_indices] curve_values = y_trmnt - y_ctrl * np.divide(num_trmnt, num_ctrl, out=np.zeros_like(num_trmnt), where=num_ctrl != 0) if num_all.size == 0 or curve_values[0] != 0 or num_all[0] != 0: # Add an extra threshold position if necessary # to make sure that the curve starts at (0, 0) num_all = np.r_[0, num_all] curve_values = np.r_[0, curve_values] return num_all, curve_values
[docs]def uplift_auc_score(y_true, uplift, treatment): """Compute Area Under the Uplift Curve from prediction scores. Args: y_true (1d array-like): Correct (true) target values. uplift (1d array-like): Predicted uplift, as returned by a model. treatment (1d array-like): Treatment labels. Returns: float: Area Under the Uplift Curve. """ # ToDO: Add normalization # ToDO: Add baseline return auc(*uplift_curve(y_true, uplift, treatment))
# FIXME: remove in 0.2.0
[docs]def auuc(y_true, uplift, treatment): """Compute Area Under the Uplift Curve from prediction scores. Args: y_true (1d array-like): Correct (true) target values. uplift (1d array-like): Predicted uplift, as returned by a model. treatment (1d array-like): Treatment labels. Returns: float: Area Under the Uplift Curve. .. warning:: Metric `auuc` was renamed to :func:`uplift_auc_score` in version 0.1.0 and will be removed in 0.2.0 """ warnings.warn( 'Metric `auuc` was renamed to `uplift_auc_score`' 'in version 0.1.0 and will be removed in 0.2.0', FutureWarning ) return uplift_auc_score(y_true, uplift, treatment)
[docs]def qini_auc_score(y_true, uplift, treatment): """Compute Area Under the Qini Curve (aka Qini coefficient) from prediction scores. Args: y_true (1d array-like): Correct (true) target values. uplift (1d array-like): Predicted uplift, as returned by a model. treatment (1d array-like): Treatment labels. Returns: float: Area Under the Qini Curve. """ # ToDO: Add normalization # ToDO: Add baseline return auc(*qini_curve(y_true, uplift, treatment))
# FIXME: remove in 0.2.0
[docs]def auqc(y_true, uplift, treatment): """Compute Area Under the Qini Curve (aka Qini coefficient) from prediction scores. Args: y_true (1d array-like): Correct (true) target values. uplift (1d array-like): Predicted uplift, as returned by a model. treatment (1d array-like): Treatment labels. Returns: float: Area Under the Qini Curve. .. warning:: Metric `auqc` was renamed to :func:`qini_auc_score` in version 0.1.0 and will be removed in 0.2.0 """ warnings.warn( 'Metric `auqc` was renamed to `qini_auc_score`' 'in version 0.1.0 and will be removed in 0.2.0', FutureWarning ) return qini_auc_score(y_true, uplift, treatment)
[docs]def uplift_at_k(y_true, uplift, treatment, strategy, k=0.3): """Compute uplift at first k percentage of the total sample. Args: y_true (1d array-like): Correct (true) target values. uplift (1d array-like): Predicted uplift, as returned by a model. treatment (1d array-like): Treatment labels. k (float or int): If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the computation of uplift. If int, represents the absolute number of samples. strategy (string, ['overall', 'by_group']): Determines the calculating strategy. * ``'overall'``: The first step is taking the first k observations of all test data ordered by uplift prediction (overall both groups - control and treatment) and conversions in treatment and control groups calculated only on them. Then the difference between these conversions is calculated. * ``'by_group'``: Separately calculates conversions in top k observations in each group (control and treatment) sorted by uplift predictions. Then the difference between these conversions is calculated. .. versionchanged:: 0.1.0 * Add supporting absolute values for ``k`` parameter * Add parameter ``strategy`` Returns: float: Uplift score at first k observations of the total sample. """ # ToDo: checker that treatment is binary and all groups is not empty check_consistent_length(y_true, uplift, treatment) y_true, uplift, treatment = np.array(y_true), np.array(uplift), np.array(treatment) strategy_methods = ['overall', 'by_group'] if strategy not in strategy_methods: raise ValueError(f'Uplift score supports only calculating methods in {strategy_methods},' f' got {strategy}.' ) n_samples = len(y_true) order = np.argsort(uplift, kind='mergesort')[::-1] _, treatment_counts = np.unique(treatment, return_counts=True) n_samples_ctrl = treatment_counts[0] n_samples_trmnt = treatment_counts[1] k_type = np.asarray(k).dtype.kind if (k_type == 'i' and (k >= n_samples or k <= 0) or k_type == 'f' and (k <= 0 or k >= 1)): raise ValueError(f'k={k} should be either positive and smaller' f' than the number of samples {n_samples} or a float in the ' f'(0, 1) range') if k_type not in ('i', 'f'): raise ValueError(f'Invalid value for k: {k_type}') if strategy == 'overall': if k_type == 'f': n_size = int(n_samples * k) else: n_size = k # ToDo: _checker_ there are observations among two groups among first k score_ctrl = y_true[order][:n_size][treatment[order][:n_size] == 0].mean() score_trmnt = y_true[order][:n_size][treatment[order][:n_size] == 1].mean() else: # strategy == 'by_group': if k_type == 'f': n_ctrl = int((treatment == 0).sum() * k) n_trmnt = int((treatment == 1).sum() * k) else: n_ctrl = k n_trmnt = k if n_ctrl > n_samples_ctrl: raise ValueError(f'With k={k}, the number of the first k observations' ' bigger than the number of samples' f'in the control group: {n_samples_ctrl}' ) if n_trmnt > n_samples_trmnt: raise ValueError(f'With k={k}, the number of the first k observations' ' bigger than the number of samples' f'in the treatment group: {n_samples_ctrl}' ) score_ctrl = y_true[order][treatment[order] == 0][:n_ctrl].mean() score_trmnt = y_true[order][treatment[order] == 1][:n_trmnt].mean() return score_trmnt - score_ctrl
[docs]def response_rate_by_percentile(y_true, uplift, treatment, group, strategy, bins=10): """Compute response rate and its variance at each percentile. Response rate ia a target mean in the group. Args: y_true (1d array-like): Correct (true) target values. uplift (1d array-like): Predicted uplift, as returned by a model. treatment (1d array-like): Treatment labels. group (string, ['treatment', 'control']): Group type for computing response rate: treatment or control. * ``'treatment'``: Values equal 1 in the treatment column. * ``'control'``: Values equal 0 in the treatment column. strategy (string, ['overall', 'by_group']): Determines the calculating strategy. * ``'overall'``: The first step is taking the first k observations of all test data ordered by uplift prediction (overall both groups - control and treatment) and conversions in treatment and control groups calculated only on them. Then the difference between these conversions is calculated. * ``'by_group'``: Separately calculates conversions in top k observations in each group (control and treatment) sorted by uplift predictions. Then the difference between these conversions is calculated. bins (int): Determines а number of bins (and а relative percentile) in the test data. Default is 10. Returns: array: Response rate at each percentile for control or treatment group array: Variance of the response rate at each percentile """ group_types = ['treatment', 'control'] strategy_methods = ['overall', 'by_group'] n_samples = len(y_true) check_consistent_length(y_true, uplift, treatment) if group not in group_types: raise ValueError(f'Response rate supports only group types in {group_types},' f' got {group}.') if strategy not in strategy_methods: raise ValueError(f'Response rate supports only calculating methods in {strategy_methods},' f' got {strategy}.') if not isinstance(bins, int) or bins <= 0: raise ValueError(f'Bins should be positive integer. Invalid value bins: {bins}') if bins >= n_samples: raise ValueError(f'Number of bins = {bins} should be smaller than the length of y_true {n_samples}') if bins == 1: warnings.warn(f'You will get the only one bin of {n_samples} samples' f' which is the length of y_true.' f'\nPlease consider using uplift_at_k function instead', UserWarning) y_true, uplift, treatment = np.array(y_true), np.array(uplift), np.array(treatment) order = np.argsort(uplift, kind='mergesort')[::-1] if group == 'treatment': trmnt_flag = 1 else: # group == 'control' trmnt_flag = 0 if strategy == 'overall': y_true_bin = np.array_split(y_true[order], bins) trmnt_bin = np.array_split(treatment[order], bins) group_size = np.array([len(y[trmnt == trmnt_flag]) for y, trmnt in zip(y_true_bin, trmnt_bin)]) response_rate = np.array([np.mean(y[trmnt == trmnt_flag]) for y, trmnt in zip(y_true_bin, trmnt_bin)]) else: # strategy == 'by_group' y_bin = np.array_split(y_true[order][treatment[order] == trmnt_flag], bins) group_size = np.array([len(y) for y in y_bin]) response_rate = np.array([np.mean(y) for y in y_bin]) variance = np.multiply(response_rate, np.divide((1 - response_rate), group_size)) return response_rate, variance
[docs]def treatment_balance_curve(uplift, treatment, winsize): """Compute the treatment balance curve: proportion of treatment group in the ordered predictions. Args: uplift (1d array-like): Predicted uplift, as returned by a model. treatment (1d array-like): Treatment labels. winsize(int): Size of the sliding window for calculating the balance between treatment and control. Returns: array (shape = [>2]), array (shape = [>2]): Points on a curve. """ uplift, treatment = np.array(uplift), np.array(treatment) desc_score_indices = np.argsort(uplift, kind="mergesort")[::-1] treatment = treatment[desc_score_indices] balance = np.convolve(treatment, np.ones(winsize), 'valid') / winsize idx = np.linspace(1, 100, len(balance)) return idx, balance