Source code for sklift.viz.base

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_consistent_length

from ..utils import check_is_binary
from ..metrics import (
    uplift_curve, perfect_uplift_curve, uplift_auc_score,
    qini_curve, perfect_qini_curve, qini_auc_score,
    treatment_balance_curve, uplift_by_percentile

[docs]def plot_uplift_preds(trmnt_preds, ctrl_preds, log=False, bins=100): """Plot histograms of treatment, control and uplift predictions. Args: trmnt_preds (1d array-like): Predictions for all observations if they are treatment. ctrl_preds (1d array-like): Predictions for all observations if they are control. log (bool): Logarithm of source samples. Default is False. bins (integer or sequence): Number of histogram bins to be used. Default is 100. If an integer is given, bins + 1 bin edges are calculated and returned. If bins is a sequence, gives bin edges, including left edge of first bin and right edge of last bin. In this case, bins is returned unmodified. Default is 100. Returns: Object that stores computed values. """ # TODO: Add k as parameter: vertical line on plots check_consistent_length(trmnt_preds, ctrl_preds) check_is_binary(treatment) if not isinstance(bins, int) or bins <= 0: raise ValueError( f'Bins should be positive integer. Invalid value for bins: {bins}') if log: trmnt_preds = np.log(trmnt_preds + 1) ctrl_preds = np.log(ctrl_preds + 1) fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3, nrows=1, figsize=(20, 7)) axes[0].hist( trmnt_preds, bins=bins, alpha=0.3, color='b', label='Treated', histtype='stepfilled') axes[0].set_ylabel('Probability hist') axes[0].legend() axes[0].set_title('Treatment predictions') axes[1].hist( ctrl_preds, bins=bins, alpha=0.5, color='y', label='Not treated', histtype='stepfilled') axes[1].legend() axes[1].set_title('Control predictions') axes[2].hist( trmnt_preds - ctrl_preds, bins=bins, alpha=0.5, color='green', label='Uplift', histtype='stepfilled') axes[2].legend() axes[2].set_title('Uplift predictions') return axes
[docs]def plot_uplift_curve(y_true, uplift, treatment, random=True, perfect=True): """Plot Uplift curves from predictions. Args: y_true (1d array-like): Ground truth (correct) labels. uplift (1d array-like): Predicted uplift, as returned by a model. treatment (1d array-like): Treatment labels. random (bool): Draw a random curve. Default is True. perfect (bool): Draw a perfect curve. Default is True. Returns: Object that stores computed values. """ check_consistent_length(y_true, uplift, treatment) check_is_binary(treatment) y_true, uplift, treatment = np.array(y_true), np.array(uplift), np.array(treatment) fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(8, 6)) x_actual, y_actual = uplift_curve(y_true, uplift, treatment) ax.plot(x_actual, y_actual, label='Model', color='blue') if random: x_baseline, y_baseline = x_actual, x_actual * \ y_actual[-1] / len(y_true) ax.plot(x_baseline, y_baseline, label='Random', color='black') ax.fill_between(x_actual, y_actual, y_baseline, alpha=0.2, color='b') if perfect: x_perfect, y_perfect = perfect_uplift_curve(y_true, treatment) ax.plot(x_perfect, y_perfect, label='Perfect', color='Red') ax.legend(loc='lower right') ax.set_title( f'Uplift curve\nuplift_auc_score={uplift_auc_score(y_true, uplift, treatment):.4f}') ax.set_xlabel('Number targeted') ax.set_ylabel('Gain: treatment - control') return ax
[docs]def plot_qini_curve(y_true, uplift, treatment, random=True, perfect=True, negative_effect=True): """Plot Qini curves from predictions. Args: y_true (1d array-like): Ground truth (correct) labels. uplift (1d array-like): Predicted uplift, as returned by a model. treatment (1d array-like): Treatment labels. random (bool): Draw a random curve. Default is True. perfect (bool): Draw a perfect curve. Default is True. negative_effect (bool): If True, optimum Qini Curve contains the negative effects (negative uplift because of campaign). Otherwise, optimum Qini Curve will not contain the negative effects. Default is True. Returns: Object that stores computed values. """ check_consistent_length(y_true, uplift, treatment) check_is_binary(treatment) y_true, uplift, treatment = np.array(y_true), np.array(uplift), np.array(treatment) fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(8, 6)) x_actual, y_actual = qini_curve(y_true, uplift, treatment) ax.plot(x_actual, y_actual, label='Model', color='blue') if random: x_baseline, y_baseline = x_actual, x_actual * \ y_actual[-1] / len(y_true) ax.plot(x_baseline, y_baseline, label='Random', color='black') ax.fill_between(x_actual, y_actual, y_baseline, alpha=0.2, color='b') if perfect: x_perfect, y_perfect = perfect_qini_curve( y_true, treatment, negative_effect) ax.plot(x_perfect, y_perfect, label='Perfect', color='Red') ax.legend(loc='lower right') ax.set_title( f'Qini curve\nqini_auc_score={qini_auc_score(y_true, uplift, treatment, negative_effect):.4f}') ax.set_xlabel('Number targeted') ax.set_ylabel('Number of incremental outcome') return ax
[docs]def plot_uplift_by_percentile(y_true, uplift, treatment, strategy='overall', kind='line', bins=10): """Plot uplift score, treatment response rate and control response rate at each percentile. Treatment response rate ia a target mean in the treatment group. Control response rate is a target mean in the control group. Uplift score is a difference between treatment response rate and control response rate. Args: y_true (1d array-like): Correct (true) target values. uplift (1d array-like): Predicted uplift, as returned by a model. treatment (1d array-like): Treatment labels. strategy (string, ['overall', 'by_group']): Determines the calculating strategy. Default is 'overall'. * ``'overall'``: The first step is taking the first k observations of all test data ordered by uplift prediction (overall both groups - control and treatment) and conversions in treatment and control groups calculated only on them. Then the difference between these conversions is calculated. * ``'by_group'``: Separately calculates conversions in top k observations in each group (control and treatment) sorted by uplift predictions. Then the difference between these conversions is calculated. kind (string, ['line', 'bar']): The type of plot to draw. Default is 'line'. * ``'line'``: Generates a line plot. * ``'bar'``: Generates a traditional bar-style plot. bins (int): Determines а number of bins (and the relative percentile) in the test data. Default is 10. Returns: Object that stores computed values. """ strategy_methods = ['overall', 'by_group'] kind_methods = ['line', 'bar'] check_consistent_length(y_true, uplift, treatment) check_is_binary(treatment) n_samples = len(y_true) if strategy not in strategy_methods: raise ValueError(f'Response rate supports only calculating methods in {strategy_methods},' f' got {strategy}.') if kind not in kind_methods: raise ValueError(f'Function supports only types of plots in {kind_methods},' f' got {kind}.') if not isinstance(bins, int) or bins <= 0: raise ValueError( f'Bins should be positive integer. Invalid value bins: {bins}') if bins >= n_samples: raise ValueError( f'Number of bins = {bins} should be smaller than the length of y_true {n_samples}') df = uplift_by_percentile(y_true, uplift, treatment, strategy=strategy, std=True, total=True, bins=bins) percentiles = df.index[:bins].values.astype(float) response_rate_trmnt = df.loc[percentiles, 'response_rate_treatment'].values std_trmnt = df.loc[percentiles, 'std_treatment'].values response_rate_ctrl = df.loc[percentiles, 'response_rate_control'].values std_ctrl = df.loc[percentiles, 'std_control'].values uplift_score = df.loc[percentiles, 'uplift'].values std_uplift = df.loc[percentiles, 'std_uplift'].values uplift_weighted_avg = df.loc['total', 'uplift'] check_consistent_length(percentiles, response_rate_trmnt, response_rate_ctrl, uplift_score, std_trmnt, std_ctrl, std_uplift) if kind == 'line': _, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(8, 6)) axes.errorbar(percentiles, response_rate_trmnt, yerr=std_trmnt, linewidth=2, color='forestgreen', label='treatment\nresponse rate') axes.errorbar(percentiles, response_rate_ctrl, yerr=std_ctrl, linewidth=2, color='orange', label='control\nresponse rate') axes.errorbar(percentiles, uplift_score, yerr=std_uplift, linewidth=2, color='red', label='uplift') axes.fill_between(percentiles, response_rate_trmnt, response_rate_ctrl, alpha=0.1, color='red') if np.amin(uplift_score) < 0: axes.axhline(y=0, color='black', linewidth=1) axes.set_xticks(percentiles) axes.legend(loc='upper right') axes.set_title( f'Uplift by percentile\nweighted average uplift = {uplift_weighted_avg:.4f}') axes.set_xlabel('Percentile') axes.set_ylabel( 'Uplift = treatment response rate - control response rate') else: # kind == 'bar' delta = percentiles[0] fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=2, figsize=( 8, 6), sharex=True, sharey=True) fig.text(0.04, 0.5, 'Uplift = treatment response rate - control response rate', va='center', ha='center', rotation='vertical') axes[1].bar(np.array(percentiles) - delta / 6, response_rate_trmnt, delta / 3, yerr=std_trmnt, color='forestgreen', label='treatment\nresponse rate') axes[1].bar(np.array(percentiles) + delta / 6, response_rate_ctrl, delta / 3, yerr=std_ctrl, color='orange', label='control\nresponse rate') axes[0].bar(np.array(percentiles), uplift_score, delta / 1.5, yerr=std_uplift, color='red', label='uplift') axes[0].legend(loc='upper right') axes[0].tick_params(axis='x', bottom=False) axes[0].axhline(y=0, color='black', linewidth=1) axes[0].set_title( f'Uplift by percentile\nweighted average uplift = {uplift_weighted_avg:.4f}') axes[1].set_xticks(percentiles) axes[1].legend(loc='upper right') axes[1].axhline(y=0, color='black', linewidth=1) axes[1].set_xlabel('Percentile') axes[1].set_title('Response rate by percentile') return axes
[docs]def plot_treatment_balance_curve(uplift, treatment, random=True, winsize=0.1): """Plot Treatment Balance curve. Args: uplift (1d array-like): Predicted uplift, as returned by a model. treatment (1d array-like): Treatment labels. random (bool): Draw a random curve. Default is True. winsize (float): Size of the sliding window to apply. Should be between 0 and 1, extremes excluded. Default is 0.1. Returns: Object that stores computed values. """ check_consistent_length(uplift, treatment) check_is_binary(treatment) if (winsize <= 0) or (winsize >= 1): raise ValueError( 'winsize should be between 0 and 1, extremes excluded') x_tb, y_tb = treatment_balance_curve( uplift, treatment, winsize=int(len(uplift) * winsize)) _, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(14, 7)) ax.plot(x_tb, y_tb, label='Model', color='b') if random: y_tb_random = np.average(treatment) * np.ones_like(x_tb) ax.plot(x_tb, y_tb_random, label='Random', color='black') ax.fill_between(x_tb, y_tb, y_tb_random, alpha=0.2, color='b') ax.legend() ax.set_title('Treatment balance curve') ax.set_xlabel('Percentage targeted') ax.set_ylabel('Balance: treatment / (treatment + control)') return ax